- to bide one's time
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English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
bide one's time — {v. phr.} To await an opportunity; wait patiently until your chance comes. * /Refused work as an actor, Tom turned to other work and bided his time./ * /Jack was hurt deeply, and he bided his time for revenge./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bide one's time — {v. phr.} To await an opportunity; wait patiently until your chance comes. * /Refused work as an actor, Tom turned to other work and bided his time./ * /Jack was hurt deeply, and he bided his time for revenge./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bide one's time — ► bide one s time wait quietly for a good opportunity to do something. Main Entry: ↑bide … English terms dictionary
bide one's time — idi bide one s time, to wait for an opportunity … From formal English to slang
bide one's time — wait quietly for a good opportunity to do something. → bide … English new terms dictionary
bide\ one's\ time — v. phr. To await an opportunity; wait patiently until your chance comes. Refused work as an actor, Tom turned to other work and bided his time. Jack was hurt deeply, and he bided his time for revenge … Словарь американских идиом
bide one's time — patiently wait for an opportunity to occur. He is biding his time as he waits to become president of the company … Idioms and examples
bide one's time — wait quietly for a good opportunity to do something she bided her time, patiently reading a magazine and planning her escape … Useful english dictionary
bide one's time — verb To wait for a suitable opportunity … Wiktionary
bide one's time — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. await, watch for, lie in wait, play a waiting game; see wait 1 … English dictionary for students
bide one's time — wait until the right moment … English contemporary dictionary